SEP: Unlocking locked down root/admin user accounts

There is no provision in the user interface to unlock accounts. To unlock accounts, one must do so manually in the database.

Unlock SEP console user accounts:

  1. Log on as an administrator on the database server.
  2. Execute the following command from a command window:
  3.         osql -E

  4. On the osql prompt enter the following lines (the first two lines end with a semicolon):
  5.         use Reporting;
            update adminuser set Locked=” where user_name=’USERNAME’;

             Replace USERNAME with the name of the user to be unlocked.

  6. For MSSQL 2000/2005 with multiple instances, you will also need to specify the server_nameinstance_name using the -S switch.
  7. To get a list of instances, type the following from a command window:
  8.          osql –L

  9. Execute the following command from a command window:
  10.          osql -E -S SERVER_NAMEINSTANCE_NAME

  11. Then run the commands in #3 above.

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