Tips to manage taskbar Windows

It’s very often the case that many users (especially Windows Admins) requires multiple applications to be running yet don’t want to actively monitor them in taskbar.  Many users opt for grouping taskbar Windows to workaround that problem, however there will be atleast one window lying on the taskbar representing the grouped application windows. As many of you know that some applications comes with an option called “Minimize to tray (or) Hide when minimized” which simply avoid Window on the taskbar and yet keeps application running and provides easy option to activate the Windows whenever needed.  Here are the few applications […]

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Adfind: Querying Active Directory made easy

List all AD user accounts matching a string: C:>adfind -b DC=Test,DC=com -f “(&(objectcategory=user)(name=*govardhan*))” displayname AdFind V01.42.00cpp Joe Richards ([email protected]) April 2010 Using server: Directory: Windows Server 2008 dn:CN=Govardhan g.,OU=TestUsers,DC=test,DC=com >displayName: Govardhan g. 1 Objects returned C:> — — List all computer (server) accounts whose operating system matching certain string: C:>adfind -b DC=Test,DC=com -f “(&(objectcategory=computer)(OperatingSystem=server*2008*r2))” operatingsystem AdFind V01.42.00cpp Joe Richards ([email protected]) April 2010 Using server: Directory: Windows Server 2008 dn:CN=W2K81049,CN=Computers,DC=test,DC=com >operatingSystem: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 1 Objects returned C:> List all members of a AD group: C:>adfind -b DC=Test,DC=com -f “(&(objectcategory=group)(name=*_tech))” member | cut -d”,” -f1  | cut […]

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Planning trip to Tirupati

Reach Tirupati by Train: Decide number of passengers and have tickets booked online as detailed in Booking Indian Railway Tickets Online via NetBanking. Do NOT ever plan for return journey without reservations on Weekends (i.e., Saturdays and Sundays) because there would be great rush for general booking If you are planning sudden chose the non-regular trains (like AP SAMPAR KRANTHI, Special Trains). In AP SAMPAR KRANTHI, in fact general booking also gets seats as it runs in Day time and starts form Delhi, very less people know about it and/or prefer it. In case of any Emergency/Problems in Tirumala, you […]

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