Android: There was a problem downloading game data. Please launch the app again to resume the download and make sure you have an Internet connection.

ERROR: There was a problem downloading game data. Please launch the app again to resume the download and make sure you have an Internet connection.     Cause:  This can happen in both when you have application installed from Android Marketplace or you downloaded an Android app from the internet or from a third party site and installed it yourself. This download may be outdated or optimised for a different version of the operating system your phone is running. This is not an installation issue rather some of the applications upon first time launch tries to connect to their web […]

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Fix: Constantly rebooting of Android phones

Fix: Constantly rebooting of Android phones Scenario: When you install a bunch of new applications from Android Market, you find that your Android phone not doing any good other than constantly rebooting at every few minutes (say five minutes in my case).   You don’t know which application is that  causing the reboots and you don’t have any idea as what’s going on with your Android. Moreover, your Android doesn’t let you do any activity on the phone as it remains busy getting rebooted all times.   Troubleshooting:   -1.   It’s quite possible that your Android applications configuration files residing […]

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Fix: Android No Network Connection

All of sudden my Android started “No Network Connection” Please verify your network settings. I’ve had both Use Packet Data Access Point Names Configured and enabled. My Access Point Names was showing up below configuration after resetting it to defaults:   Name: TATA DOCOMO INTERNET APN: TATA.DOCOMO.INTERNET MCC: 405 MNC: 025 APN type: internet   After connecting my mobile to my PC, there was a for firmware upgrade. I did firmware upgrade. Reset my APN to default. Waited for sometime then it started working fine.

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