Windows Credential Manager

Location: Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsCredential Manager GUI:   Credential Manager stores credentials (user name and passwords) that you use to log on to websites or other computers on a network. By storing your credentials, Windows can automatically log you on to websites or other computers. Credentials are saved in special folders on your computer called vaults. Windows and programs (such as web browsers) can securely give the credentials in the vaults to other computers and websites. < p>One can manage (add/edit/remove) these credentials manual. The use case of this feature is like saving RDP/TS credentials for auto login.

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Internet Explorer Cache Usage and Configuration

To speed up web browsing, browsers store a copy of web page contents locally on hard disk,  and that location is called cache. The cache folder location for IE is named “Temporary Internet Files (or IE cache)“.  This cache permits Internet Explorer or MSN Explorer to download only the content that has changed since you last viewed a Web page, instead of downloading all the content for a page every time it is displayed.   There are four configuration options for you to control how IE handle it’s cache content and they can be configured under IE Options as shown […]

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Adding website to the Trusted Sites Zones in Internet Explorer via GPO or Registry

Adding website to the Trusted Sites Zones in Internet Explorer via GPO or Registry The IE Zones and Configured Web sites are controlled by IE group policy named “Site to Zone Assignment List” as shown below: Group Policy Setting Path: In Group Policy Object Editor, Computer Configuration and the User Configuration nodes Administrative Templates Windows Components Internet Explorer Internet Control Panel Security Page. GUI: About the Policy Setting and it’s behavior: This policy setting allows you to manage a list of sites that you want to associate with a particular security zone. These zone numbers have associated security settings that […]

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