I’ve found it very interesting the use of Voiceover feature as a Debugging element in MAC OS X so that we get to know where we are and what can be done from current point of presence on a MAC OS X.
To enable VoiceOver feature on, use Command+F5 combination (if you are VNC’ing from Windows System use Alt+F5). Over navigate to Accessibility options and select “Turn VoiceOver on or off”
Once enabled, you’ll start seeing a GUI tooltip coming along the way where you switch within MAC along with useful and possible options that can be done. Below is quick preview of how it looks like.
You are currently on a text field, inside of a toolbar. To enter text in this field, type. To navigate items on this toolbar, Press Control-Option, and…
You are currently on a table. To enter this table, Press Control-Option-Shit-Down Arrow.