When you first bring up your VMware vCenter Server Appliance, you’ll see below startup page with relevant instructions to primarily set a Hostname and IP-address to let you access it remotely.
“No networking Detected. Please Login and Run the command /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_config_net”
The initial default user name is root, and the default password is vmware.
In the vami_config_net command mode:
Type option value 3 to get to Hostname setting value, then give a new name for your vCenter host, here I setting it to vCenter
Then use option 6 to get into mode to set “IP Address Allocation for eth0”, give appropriate IPv4/6 address along with netmask (say
Once you have proper IP-Address set, then you are all ready to take off further configuration via Web Console directly from your desktop system.
Open browser and type your vcenter server IP address with port5480 as shown below
Login using the root/vmware
For the first time login, you need to accept the EULA prompt that comes.
Under Admin tab, have your password changed to your intended value:
Then review the Summary tab, if you notice in vCenter section, the Server and inventory service would to in stopped mode. To have them started you need to first configure the Database and SSO, if you are not sure choose the embedded values.
From the Authentication section, you can configure the AD integration to allow authentication using AD:
From System tab, you can do either Reboot or Shutdown of your vCenter system: