The Government of India – Gas Control Order: One Household. One LPG Connection.



• The Government of India has recently amended the Gas Control Order

underwhid only one LPG connedion (along with D8C)ts perrrítted in

any household consisting of husband, wife. married chidren and

dependent parents hying in a dwelling unlt having a common kitchen.

Thus. multiple LPG connections r a household are now totally


‘ Holding multiple LPG connections also blodc the release of

new connections to other needy fanilies, who otherwise

resort to using non ecu-friendly iueLs, thus harming the


• Therefore, customers having more than one LPG

connection in their homes are hereby advised to surrender

multiple connedions, ilany, immediately. li you are left with only

a single-cylinder connection after surrendering the other

connection(s), an option wil be available to you for converting the

same into DBC (Double Bottle Connedion).

. Further to streamline [9G supplies, the amended Gas Control Order

now requires customers with Piped Naturel Gas (PNG) connections or

reticulated LPG connections to surrender their LPG connections

immediately. And wherever PNG connections already exist, as per

amended Gas Control Order, Oil Companies have been forbidden from

issuing new LPG connections and also to stop [9G suppbes to the existing

connections, pending surrendorof the same,

• Possessing multiple LPG connections is in ross violation of the Gas

Control Order and would attract complete stoppage at’ LPG supplies.

Supplies would be resumed only after multiple connections have

been surrendered. The Oil Companies between them have

shared consumer data to detect multiple connections and

stop supplies lo such customers forthwith. il the multiple

connections ve surrendered

. Kindly therefore, make sure that at any point in time, not

more than one LPG connection (with DBC) is in use in your

household. This is the best way to ensure that your kitchen is

safeand secure, andthatyou remain on the righisideof the law.

Surrender your multiple LPG Connections and be on the right side of the law.


Issued ¡n public interest by:

For suggestions, coniplalnts, qenos or feedback pertaining to Petrol, Diesel or 1.PG services, f..I free lo cal toll free numbers 155233 or 1800-2533-555

or contad the field officer (whose contact details are displayed at the petrol stallonsÆPG distributorships)






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