- DHCP server uses database file named dhcp.mdb stored in C:windowssystem32dhcp folder.
- A backup copy the DB in the C:windowssystem32dhcpbackup folder by default.
- During service startup, If the original DB file is not found the service loads the DB from backup folder
- DHCP service writes to the registry whenever a dhcp lease is handed out to clients
- The Registry path is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftDhcpServerConfiguration
- During proper service shutdown, it takes backup copies of both dhcp.mdb and Registry
- The backup information of Registry is stored in Dhcpcfg file in DHCP DB folder
- Whenever a successful lease is released, it first writes the details to registry and those later gets updated to DB
- When run reconciliation, the service will cross checks the lease entries in Registry and DB and reports for any inconsistences which will be fixed by eliminating extra entries in registry that doesn’t match with entries in DB
- You can configure the Conflict detection to a non-zore value in IPv4 Properties Advanced tab such that DHCP server verifies the IP-address existene on the network by pinging the IP-Address before handing over to the clients.