Administering ESXi 4.1

  1. Choose the right version
    1. ESXi free – unlimited use but with features limitations
    2. ESXi Installable – commercial version of ESXi and supports all advanced features. Can be installed on any choosen server.
    3. ESXi Embedded – preinstalled as firmware so that you don’t have to install it again.  The downside is you can’t transfer the license to other physical hardware.
  2. Requirements (for ESX Installable version called VMware VMvisor)
    1. With x64 bit x86 processor (i.e., x86-64).  x86-64 is an extension of the x86 instruction set. Examples: AMD Opteron’s and Intel Xenon and Nehalem processors. With VT enabled.
    2. Minimum of 2 GB RAM. For upgrades, 3GB RAM is required if the ESXi host is managed by vCenter Server.
    3. One or More 1 Gb network adapter.
    4. Create the DNS entry for the static IP with host A record entry.  Note IPv6 is not supported for ESXi “PXE” installation.
    5. Hardware Storage Controllers (Basic SCSI Adapter, FC Adapter, Internal RAID Controller, SAS, or SATA)
    6. Storage/Disk space
      1. Basic SCSI Controller or SCSI disk drives
      2. SATA disk through supported SAS contollers, or RAID LUN with unpartitioned space.
      3. SAS disk drives
      4. FC or iSCSI
    7. Download ESXi Installable version bootable image (ISO/CD)
  3. Installation
    1. Insert the ESXi bootable CD or connect the ISO via server remote management applications like
      1. HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO),
      2. Dell Remote Access Card (DRAC),
      3. IBM management module (MM), and IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter II (RSA II), etc.,
    2. Boot the server to start the ESXi bootable device
    3. Choose the boot image from the VMware VMvisor Boot Menu
      1. ESXi Installer (enter by default with in 10 seconds)
      2. Boot from the Local Disk
      3. Press [Tab] to edit Options
    4. Choose the Install option from the  Welcome screen options
      1. [ESC] to Cancel
      2. (R) Repair
      3. (Enter) Install
      4. g
    5. Press F11 to “Accept EULA and Continue”
    6. Select a Disk
    7. Choose the right disk from the displayed list and press Enter
    8. Press F11 to confirm the selection
    9. Installation Proceeds and once it’s done
      1. ESXi will be installed in Evaluation mode
      2. There is no Host based Licensing for ESXi
    10. Removable the install disk and Press Enter to reboot
    11. Once server/hypervisor boots up, Press F2 to “Customize System” from “Direct Console Mode”
    12. F
  4. Post Install Configuration
    1. Configure Password (Default Not Set)
    2. Configure Lockdown Mode (Default Disabled)
      1. Prevents remote users from logging on to host using “root” user (like disable SSH)
    3. Network Configuration Options
      1. Configure Management Network
        1. Network Adapters
        2. VLAN
        3. IP Configuration (Default gets a IP address from DHCP, you have to set a Static IP here)
        4. IPv6 Configuration
          1. In case if IPv6 is enabled or disabled it’s will restart the HOST
        5. DNS Configuration
          1. Type Primary and Secondary DNS servers
          2. Provide the ESX host name in FQDN format
        6. Custom DNS Suffixes
        7. Confirm the network changes by press <Y> yes to “Apply changes and restart management network?”. You may notice a brief network outage on for that host and it’s guests.
      2. Restart Management Network
        1. May be required to restore networking or to renew DHCP lease.
        2. If DHCP renew results in a new identity, the remote management software will be disconnected
      3. Test Management Network
        1. Ping the configured Default Gateway
        2. Ping the configured Primary and Secondary DNS servers
        3. Resolve the configured host name
      4. Disable Management Network
      5. Restore Standard Switch
    4. Configure keyboard
    5. View Support Information
      1. Server serial number
      2. License serial number
      3. SSL Thumbprint
      4. VMware Global Support Services URL
    6. View System logs
      1. <1> Messages
      2. <2> Config
      3. <3> Management Agent (hostd)
    7. Restart Management Agents
      1. Are the programs that allow remote management software to monitor and control this host
      2. This will disconnect all the remote management software
    8. Reset System Configuration
      1. All the system parameters will be reverted to their software defaults. Including any parameters customized by the hardware manufacturer.
      2. The root password will be reset to nothing
      3. All Virtual Machines will be unregistered
      4. This operation requires a HOST restart so migrate your VMs to other hosts if needed
    9. Remove Custom Extensions
    10. Press Alt+F12 to view the real time Kernel Logs/Activities use Alt+F2 to return to Direct Console User Interface
    11. Login to Tech Support mode: (which unsupported if run without VMware support consultation)
      1. Press Alt+F1 to go to Text mode console (unsupported Tech support mode)  from Direct Console User Interface
      2. You don’t get a login prompt there and none of the keys will be echo’ed back
      3. Type unsupported
      4. Then type root account password at the Password prompt
      5. Type Exit to exit
      6. Then Press Alt+F2 to return to Direct Console User Interface
    12. h

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