- Choose the right version
- ESXi free – unlimited use but with features limitations
- ESXi Installable – commercial version of ESXi and supports all advanced features. Can be installed on any choosen server.
- ESXi Embedded – preinstalled as firmware so that you don’t have to install it again. The downside is you can’t transfer the license to other physical hardware.
- Requirements (for ESX Installable version called VMware VMvisor)
- With x64 bit x86 processor (i.e., x86-64). x86-64 is an extension of the x86 instruction set. Examples: AMD Opteron’s and Intel Xenon and Nehalem processors. With VT enabled.
- Minimum of 2 GB RAM. For upgrades, 3GB RAM is required if the ESXi host is managed by vCenter Server.
- One or More 1 Gb network adapter.
- Create the DNS entry for the static IP with host A record entry. Note IPv6 is not supported for ESXi “PXE” installation.
- Hardware Storage Controllers (Basic SCSI Adapter, FC Adapter, Internal RAID Controller, SAS, or SATA)
- Storage/Disk space
- Basic SCSI Controller or SCSI disk drives
- SATA disk through supported SAS contollers, or RAID LUN with unpartitioned space.
- SAS disk drives
- FC or iSCSI
- Download ESXi Installable version bootable image (ISO/CD)
- Installation
- Insert the ESXi bootable CD or connect the ISO via server remote management applications like
- HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO),
- Dell Remote Access Card (DRAC),
- IBM management module (MM), and IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter II (RSA II), etc.,
- Boot the server to start the ESXi bootable device
- Choose the boot image from the VMware VMvisor Boot Menu
- ESXi Installer (enter by default with in 10 seconds)
- Boot from the Local Disk
- Press [Tab] to edit Options
- Choose the Install option from the Welcome screen options
- [ESC] to Cancel
- (R) Repair
- (Enter) Install
- g
- Press F11 to “Accept EULA and Continue”
- Select a Disk
- Choose the right disk from the displayed list and press Enter
- Press F11 to confirm the selection
- Installation Proceeds and once it’s done
- ESXi will be installed in Evaluation mode
- There is no Host based Licensing for ESXi
- Removable the install disk and Press Enter to reboot
- Once server/hypervisor boots up, Press F2 to “Customize System” from “Direct Console Mode”
- F
- Insert the ESXi bootable CD or connect the ISO via server remote management applications like
- Post Install Configuration
- Configure Password (Default Not Set)
- Configure Lockdown Mode (Default Disabled)
- Prevents remote users from logging on to host using “root” user (like disable SSH)
- Network Configuration Options
- Configure Management Network
- Network Adapters
- IP Configuration (Default gets a IP address from DHCP, you have to set a Static IP here)
- IPv6 Configuration
- In case if IPv6 is enabled or disabled it’s will restart the HOST
- DNS Configuration
- Type Primary and Secondary DNS servers
- Provide the ESX host name in FQDN format
- Custom DNS Suffixes
- Confirm the network changes by press <Y> yes to “Apply changes and restart management network?”. You may notice a brief network outage on for that host and it’s guests.
- Restart Management Network
- May be required to restore networking or to renew DHCP lease.
- If DHCP renew results in a new identity, the remote management software will be disconnected
- Test Management Network
- Ping the configured Default Gateway
- Ping the configured Primary and Secondary DNS servers
- Resolve the configured host name
- Disable Management Network
- Restore Standard Switch
- Configure Management Network
- Configure keyboard
- View Support Information
- Server serial number
- License serial number
- SSL Thumbprint
- VMware Global Support Services URL
- View System logs
- <1> Messages
- <2> Config
- <3> Management Agent (hostd)
- Restart Management Agents
- Are the programs that allow remote management software to monitor and control this host
- This will disconnect all the remote management software
- Reset System Configuration
- All the system parameters will be reverted to their software defaults. Including any parameters customized by the hardware manufacturer.
- The root password will be reset to nothing
- All Virtual Machines will be unregistered
- This operation requires a HOST restart so migrate your VMs to other hosts if needed
- Remove Custom Extensions
- Press Alt+F12 to view the real time Kernel Logs/Activities use Alt+F2 to return to Direct Console User Interface
- Login to Tech Support mode: (which unsupported if run without VMware support consultation)
- Press Alt+F1 to go to Text mode console (unsupported Tech support mode) from Direct Console User Interface
- You don’t get a login prompt there and none of the keys will be echo’ed back
- Type unsupported
- Then type root account password at the Password prompt
- Type Exit to exit
- Then Press Alt+F2 to return to Direct Console User Interface
- h