INFO: Registry Entries and Keywords for SQL Server Connection Strings

When you create a system DSN in the ODBC Data Source Administrator in Control Panel, and you use the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver, the DSN settings are saved in a registry key under the following with the same name of your DSN: < B>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareODBCOdbc.ini</B> If you create a user DSN, the settings are saved in a registry key under the following: < B>HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareODBCOdbc.ini</B> <BR/><BR/> The Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver setup also writes parameters to the Odbc.ini registry entry. There are several parameters in the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver setup that have a default value. When you first […]

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Managing SQL server instances registration through Studio GUI and Manual Steps

  Managing Registered SQL Server instances:             “%appdata%MicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server100ToolsShellRegSrvr.xml" OR "C:Users<Username>AppDataRoamingMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server100ToolsShellRegSrvr.xml"   Sample content of a   <?xml version="1.0"?> <model xmlns="">   <identity>     <name>urn:uuid:</name>     <baseURI>http://documentcollection/</baseURI>   </identity>   <xs:bufferSchema xmlns:xs="">     <definitions xmlns:sfc="">       <document>         <docinfo>           <aliases>             <alias>/system/schema/RegisteredServers</alias>           </aliases>           <sfc:version DomainVersion="1" />         </docinfo>         <data>           <xs:schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:sfc="" xmlns:sml="" xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified">             <xs:element name="RegisteredServer">               <xs:complexType>                 <xs:sequence>                   <xs:any namespace="" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />                 </xs:sequence>               </xs:complexType>             </xs:element>             <RegisteredServers:bufferData xmlns:RegisteredServers="">               <instances xmlns:sfc="">                 <document>                   <docinfo>                     <aliases> […]

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