How DHCP Works?

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol (set of instructions) used by computers to dynamically attain an IP-Address & it’s required networking configuration and then maintaining them automatically.    Overview: In this protocol client computers will contact a Server computer that is designated as DHCP server.  The DHCP server will maintain a Database of free, assigned and reserved IP-addresses and other networking services configuration.  Whenever there comes a DHCP request from clients on the network the DHCP server will respond with available networking configuration.  If there are no free IP-addresses at DHCP server, the client request would be sent […]

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Events from the remote computer cannot be saved into .evtx format files on the local computer

Error: ————————— Event Viewer ————————— An error occurred while Event Viewer was saving a log file in .evtx format from TESTSRV2.TESTLAB.LAN to \TESTSRV2C$MyFolderlastHour-Eventlogs.evtx. Events from the remote computer cannot be saved into .evtx format files on the local computer. If you want to save the events to the local computer, select a different file format. To save the events in .evtx format, save them onto the remote computer. ————————— OK —————————     < p>As stated in the message, you cannot save the eventlogs  of a remote system in .evtx/.evt format.  Rather you can save in the alternate available formats […]

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Fix: Remote Desktop Session Host server was unable to retrieve users Licensing information from AD. Error 0x8007054b

This error usually happens if the server is unable to contact the RDS Licensing server that it’s configured to contact.  Most probably cause would be that your system might have lost the domain trust or part of a different domain while this error happens.   I encountered this scenario when I rejoined my App RDS/terminal server to the domain as it lost it’s domain trust but haven’t rebooted the after rejoining the domain.    Log Name:      System Source:        Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager Date:          3/21/2012 3:11:55 PM Event ID:      1061 Task Category: None Level:         Error Keywords:      Classic User:          N/A Computer:      TestSRV002 Description: Remote Desktop […]

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