IIS supports Folder redirection via Symlink or Shortcut mechanism

Using Mklink utility you create a folder symlink that internally operates like a shortcut as shown below: C:>mklink /D www "C:inetpubwwwroot" symbolic link created for www <<===>> C:inetpubwwwroot C:> <p>&#160;</p> <p>&#160;</p> <p>Using Linkd utility, you create a symlink that redirects the C:WWW folder to &quot;C:inetpubwwwroot&quot;:</p> <p>&#160;</p> <p>C:&gt;linkd www &quot;C:inetpubwwwroot&quot; <br />Link created at: www</p> <p>C:&gt;linkd www <br />Source&#160; www is linked to <br />C:inetpubwwwroot</p> <p>C:&gt; <br /></p> <p><strong></strong></p> <p>C:&gt;dir &quot;C:inetpubwwwroot&quot; <br /> Volume in drive C has no label. <br /> Volume Serial Number is CC0C-B792</p> <p> Directory of C:inetpubwwwroot</p> <p>03/28/2012&#160; 03:05 PM&#160;&#160;&#160; &lt;DIR&gt;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; . <br />03/28/2012&#160; 03:05 PM&#160;&#160;&#160; &lt;DIR&gt;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; […]

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Adobe Flash Player 11 to provide Native 64-bit Support

Till the latest release of Adobe Flash Player, there wasn’t support for 64-bit either in browser or at system level.  With this release Adobe has made it support native 64-bit.  Thus, Flash Player can now take advantage of native support for 64-bit operating systems and 64-bit web browsers on Linux®, Mac OS, and Windows®.  This is a great advancement for Flash player to deliver more on 64bit platforms.   You can download the Flash player here: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ Note:The 64-bit Flash Player installer includes both a 32-bit and 64-bit version of Flash Player. < p>

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Steps to enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer versions (6.0,7.0,8.0),Mozilla Firefox3.0, Google Chrome2.0 and Safari4.0

Internet Explorer 5 and above Netscape 7.X Netscape 6.X Opera 7.X Mozilla 3.6.X and above Safari 4.X Internet Explorer 5 and above 1. Select Internet Options from the Tools menu. 2. In Internet Options dialog box select the Security tab. 3. Click the Custom Level… button. The Security Settings dialog box will pop up. 4. Under Scripting category enable Active scripting. 5. Click OK twice to close out. 6. Click Refresh. Top Netscape 7.X 1. Select Preferences from the Edit menu. 2. Click the arrow next to Advanced. 3. Click Scripts & Plug-in. 4. Check Navigator beneath "Enable JavaScript for". […]

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