Booking Indian Railway Tickets Online via NetBanking

Here is a simply quick way to book your Indian Railway tickets online. You can pay the bill by NetBanking, Debit or Credit cards. Enter your major start and destination locations here of your journey to get all the available trains in that route. In the Results select the train that matches your schedule and budget and then click on “Get Availability” If there are seats available, login to IRCTC and book the tickets. Online booking is available only during “Indian Standard Time 0.30 and 23.30 Hours” Select the train you want to travel and enter the passengers particulars Select […]

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Using SED: Match RegEx pattern in multiple lines and combined the lines into sinlge line

gunnalag@GMD /cygdrive/c/Gunnalag/MyFiles $ grep -i -A1 -B1 “topbar.*” movie0715.html   <div id=”topbar”> <h2>Ragada&nbsp;&nbsp;<small><i></i></small>&nbsp;(December 24, 2010)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=#comment><small>Write A Comment</small></a></h2> — src=”../”> </script>                       </div> <!– End Of topbar –> <div id=”outer5″>   gunnalag@GMD /cygdrive/c/Gunnalag/MyFiles $ cat movie0715.html | sed -E -n ‘/”topbar”/{N; s/n//; p;}’ <div id=”topbar”>                           <h2>Ragada&nbsp;&nbsp;<small><i></i></small>&nbsp;(December 24, 2010)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=#comment><small>Write A Comment</small></a></h2>   gunnalag@GMD /cygdrive/c/Gunnalag/MyFiles $

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Perl and Shell Scritping Windows

Code to list all Windows environment variables in current user shell C:>perl -e “foreach (sort keys %ENV) {print “$_ = $ENV{$_}n”; } “; > Tempperl-env.txt C:> Single Command to combine all files in directory into single file. C:Temptest>dir /w *.json | grep -i json tasklist-level-1.json   tasklist-level-2.json   tasklist-level-3.json tasklist-level-4.jsonC:Temptest>copy *.json combined-file.json tasklist-level-1.json tasklist-level-2.json tasklist-level-3.json tasklist-level-4.json 1 file(s) copied. C:Temptest>dir /w *.json | grep -i json combined-file.json      tasklist-level-1.json   tasklist-level-2.json tasklist-level-3.json   tasklist-level-4.json C:Temptest>wc -l C:Temptest>wc -l combined-file.json 2230 combined-file.json C:Temptest> Single command line to find and replace string in all files of a folder.  Use Cygwin on Windows. gunnalag@GMD /cygdrive/c/temp $ grep -r […]

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