PS: Services

Command to display services whose name matching given string PS C:> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match “citrix” } | ft Name, DisplayName Name                                                        DisplayName —-                                                        ———– CdfSvc                                                      Citrix Diagnostic Facility COM Server CdmService                                                  Citrix Client Network Citrix 64-bit Virtual Memory Optimization                   Citrix 64-bit Virtual Memory Optimization Citrix Encryption Service                                   Citrix Encryption Service Citrix EUEM                                                 Citrix End User Experiencing Monitoring Citrix Virtual Memory Optimization                          Citrix Virtual Memory Optimization CitrixHealthMon                                             Citrix Health Monitoring and Recovery CitrixWMIService                                            Citrix WMI Service CitrixXTEServer                                             Citrix XTE Server cpsvc                                                       Citrix Print Manager Service CTXCPUBal                                                   Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/CPU Rebalancer ctxcpuSched                                                 Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/Resource Mgmt IMAAdvanceSrv                                               Citrix […]

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Windows Admin Command Shortcuts/CommandLines

In any folder or on the desktop, create a new folder and type the following for its name: All Settings.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} press Enter, and the name will shorten to All Settings. Open the new folder to show an alphabetical list of all Control Panel settings.   List of common .cpl files. With this list It is easy to manage like restricting access to programs and more Access.cpl Accessibility properties Appwiz.cpl Add/Remove Programs bthprops.cpl Bluetooth management Collab.cpl (People Near Me )Color.cpl Color Management Desk.cpl Display properties FindFast.cpl FindFast (included with Microsoft Office for Windows 95 )Firewall.cpl Windows Firewall Management Hdwwiz.cpl Add Hardware […]

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Software Downloads

Java (jxpiinstall.exe) –  This will download and install the respective JRE for the system. MSXML 3 –

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