Move WordPress Blog from AWS Instance to GoDaddy Managed WordPress Hosting

Here are the steps to move your WordPress blog website setup off from Amazon Web Services (AWS) Windows Server 2012 instance to GoDaddy Managed WordPress hosting.   Amazon Web Services (AWS) Windows Server 2012 instance: Backup your WordPress IIS Web Folder Backup your WordPress MySQL DB using Export to Dump Project Folder (recommended if you have large size tables in your DB, generates .SQL file for each table, using this .SQL file you can recreate the same table on other DBs) Export to Self-Contained File (recommended for small size tables usually for small websites, so that all tables data will […]

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Troubleshooting XenDesktop Session connectivity error | The connection to "" failed with status (1030).

Error: —————————Desktop Viewer—————————The connection to “Windows7” failed with status (1030).—————————OK—————————   Environemnt: HTTPS web site serving external users. With Public cert from GoDaddy. NetScalar 10.1 Dedicated StoreFront server with HTML5 WebSockets support XenDesktop 7.6 XenServer 6.2 Provisioning Method: Machine Creation Services Windows 7 SP1 x64 bit Desktop VM Windows Activation using KMS Non-Persistent Static VMS   Troubleshooting: Whenever, user clicks on launch it results in 1030 error User attempts to reconnect to a already disconnected session For the same user it works fine from other system that is in different network It works for users from HTML5 or Receiver 14.1

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CloudDNS | A free provider for hosting your DNS zones in cloud

For a very small website owners, or for bloggers owing their couple VMs (in cloud spaces) hosting their websites, it a usual need to have a DNS zone setup for external/public access to their resources.  Most folks adopt for domain name/hosting providers who also service the DNS name resolutions/redirections at an extra annual charge.  It all works fine. Nut just for a one/two name resolutions do you really want to pay for a separate name resolution service? Particularly for single website owners it an overhead. Here comes the CloudDNS to make a relief.  On CloudDNS you can freely host upto […]

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