Configuring the VMware vCenter Server Appliance (SUSE Linux Enterprise 11–64 bit)

When you first bring up your VMware vCenter Server Appliance, you’ll see below startup page with relevant instructions to primarily set a Hostname and IP-address to let you access it remotely.   “No networking Detected.  Please Login and Run the command /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_config_net” The initial default user name is root, and the default password is vmware. In the vami_config_net command mode:  Type option value 3 to get to Hostname setting value, then give a new name for your vCenter host, here I  setting it to vCenter   Then use option 6 to get into mode to set “IP Address Allocation for […]

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How to find vCenter server configured for a given VMware ESXi 4 and 5 version host?

As VMhost boxes are based out of Linux flavor OSes, to connect to a VMware Host you require to use any of the remote connection protocols available for those systems.  Widely used protocol is SSH.  The Windows GUI flavor of the SSH comes built into WinSCP, using which you can SSH to any remote systems that is configured to allow SSH connections.  In below, I connected to a VMware host, Navigated to the /etc/opt/vmware/vpxa folder, Simply drag and dropped the file from the remote system to my local file system which does copy of the file. I can use the […]

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Automating/Scripting VMware VM operations in PowerShell

Connect to your VCenter/VMHost: PowerCLI C:> Connect-VIServer VMHOST01 Specify Credential Please specify server credential User: root Password for user root: ************ Name                           Port  User —-                           —-  —- VMHOST01                       443   root PowerCLI C:>   Know your VMHost hypervisor version running: PowerCLI C:> vmhost | select-object version Version ——- 4.1.0 PowerCLI C:> PowerCLI C:> Get-VMHost | % { (Get-View $_.ID).Config.Product } Name                  : VMware ESXi FullName              : VMware ESXi 4.1.0 build-260247 Vendor                : VMware, Inc. Version               : 4.1.0 Build                 : 260247 LocaleVersion         : INTL LocaleBuild           : 000 OsType                : vmnix-x86 ProductLineId         : embeddedEsx ApiType               : HostAgent ApiVersion            : 4.1 InstanceUuid          : LicenseProductName    […]

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