Implementing Single Sign-On (SSO) using SAML for authentication in web applications | Web SAML SSO Authentication

Requirement: You have a web based solution/application that your customer utilizes.  The current use case is that users from your customer company registers with your web application for authentication and access to the application. This requires your web application to support a complete User Management Module (that supports user registration, authentication, Password reset and recovery for forgotten passwords, enforcing password policy of your customer in your application, etc.,).  Considering the support hours and user time in password management and logon issues, your customer would like to have their users automatically authenticated against your web application. Solution is: Web SSO which […]

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Oracle Database Architecture Overview

Download actual file from: Source: Oracle Database Architecture Overview PDF: Oracle_Architecture_handout.pdf Copy of the text for general public searching with keywords on internet. Oracle Database Architecture Overview Bjørn Engsig [email protected] This one day course is intended to give people with good technical background and preferably some knowledge of Oracle an introduction to the architecture of Oracle. The following topics are covered: •Oracle components •The database •The instance •Oracledata processing •Queries •Data manipulation •Read consistency •Oracle SQL processing •Hands on •Create your own database •Start/stop the instance 1 Objectives • Give experienced developers a quick technical overview of the Oracle Server […]

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Tools for designing Architecture Diagrams with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Icons

AWS Simple Icons AWS Simple Icons are an official icon set that includes icons for several AWS products and resources. Customers and partners are permitted by AWS to use them to create architecture diagrams. The icons are designed to be simple so that you can easily incorporate them in your diagrams and put them in your whitepapers, presentations, datasheets, posters or any technical material you like.   Microsoft PowerPoint Format AWS Simple Icons for PowerPoint (PPTX ) Microsoft Visio Stencil AWS Simple Icons for Microsoft Visio 2010 (VSS ) SVG and EPS Format AWS Simple Icons in SVG and EPS […]

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