Working with PowerShell Modules
List all installed modules: PS C:>Get-Module -ListAvailable ModuleType Name ExportedCommands ———- —- —————- Manifest ActiveDirectory {} Manifest AppLocker {} Manifest BitsTransfer {} Manifest FailoverClusters {} Manifest GroupPolicy {} Manifest NetworkLoadBalancingCl… {} Manifest PSDiagnostics {Enable-PSTrace, Enable-WSManTrace, Start-Trace, Disable-PSWSManCombined… Manifest TroubleshootingPack {} PS C:> List all snap-ins loaded: PS C:> get-pssnapin | ft -Auto Name PSVersion Description —- ——— ———– Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics 2.0 This Windows PowerShell snap-in contains Windows Eventing and Performance Counter cmdlets. Microsoft.WSMan.Management 2.0 This Windows PowerShell snap-in contains cmdlets (such as Get-WSManInstance and Set-WSManInstance) that are used … Microsoft.PowerShell.Core 2.0 This Windows PowerShell snap-in contains cmdlets used to manage components of Windows PowerShell. Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility 2.0 This Windows PowerShell snap-in contains utility […]
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