Run Console Applications & Batch Files, without any Window, in the background

Many times systems engineers come across the need to suppress the console window of a cmd prompt while setting up various batch and script automations to be run in silent mode. Below is the list of various options available to control the cmd console window and you need to choose the option as per your requirements:  Hidden Start (a complete solution to control console windows and also supports x64bit)  Start (helps control spawned process console)  PowerShell –WindowStyle Hidden  WshShell.Run WindowStyle = 0  Javaw.exe is a console/window less Java.exe that runs Java programs as hidden process   ————————— Hidden Start v3.2  […]

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PowerShell doesn’t validate command line parameter names

Today, I came across a weird behavior by PowerShell that it doesn’t validate the parameter names 🙁 Below is the sample code that explains the behavior i am speaking about: PS C:> type .Test-Commandline-Parameters.ps1 param([switch]$Debug) Write-Host $Debug PS C:> .Test-Commandline-Parameters.ps1 -debug True PS C:> .Test-Commandline-Parameters.ps1 -debugging False PS C:> .Test-Commandline-Parameters.ps1 -debu True PS C:> .Test-Commandline-Parameters.ps1 -de True PS C:> .Test-Commandline-Parameters.ps1 -d True PS C:> .Test-Commandline-Parameters.ps1 -debeg False PS C:> .Test-Commandline-Parameters.ps1 -deer False PS C:>   For more details read my article in MS PS TechNet Forums here.

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