Accessing 64bit registry keys via 32bit scripting languages

Accessing 64bit registry keys via 32bit scripting languages: This is a very often requirement since the evolution of 64bit platforms.  By default, an application or script receives data from the corresponding provider when two versions of providers exist. The 32-bit provider returns data to a 32-bit application, including all scripts, and the 64-bit provider returns data to the 64-bit compiled applications. However, an application or script can request data from the nondefault provider, if it exists, by notifying WMI through flags on method calls. Context Flags The __ProviderArchitecture and __RequiredArchitecture string flags have a set of values handled by WMI […]

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VB script to modify shortcut properties

As part of application repackaging, you need to update some of the properties of an application shortcut as post install action of an installer. Below is the code that can be used to auto update the shortcut properties as needed. [code language=”vb”] Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") FSO.DeleteFile("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PowerGUI\PowerGUI.lnk") Set shortcut = sh.CreateShortcut("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PowerGUI\PowerGUI.lnk") shortcut.TargetPath = "C:\Program Files\PowerGUI\AdminConsole.exe" shortcut.Arguments = "-auto none" shortcut.WindowStyle = 7 shortcut.Save [/code]

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Verifying Client Redirection of Citrix “HDX MediaStream For Flash” is working and fine-tuning the Client Devices for improved performance.

Requirement: You enable “HDX MediaStream Flash Redirection on the User Device” setting in Citrix Policies and would like to verify the effect of the policy on the client system/device Verifying “HDX MediaStream Flash Redirection on the User Device” on User Device: On the user device connect to the Citrix Session and open any of the Flash video content, say play a video on Youtube.  This will cause your session policy to redirect the Flash video play to the client device.  Requirements on Client Device:  User device should have any of the supported version of Flash Player installed. When Flash content […]

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