Online SQL Learning

I just came across SQLZOO website and felt it very useful for quickly try and learn the SQL syntax for various DB formats including  Microsoft SQL Server MySQL Oracle DB2 PostGreSQL IngRes You can simply check out the default SQL syntaxes and verify them running on the fly on the sample DB tables show on the page.   Hope this will be helpful, happy SQL learning!!!

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How to determine the version and edition of SQL Server and its components

This article describes how to determine your current Microsoft SQL Server version number and the corresponding product or service pack level. It also describes how to determine the specific edition of SQL Server that you are using. If you require more background on SQL, you can check out blog posts such as for more information.Note If you just want to find the latest builds for SQL Server, you can refer to the following article. Or, you can check the tables that correspond to your product in the “More Information” section of this article. 957826 (;EN-US;957826) Where to find information […]

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