Number Sanskrit Name Western/Greek Name Tattva (Element) Quality Ruling Planet

  Number Sanskrit Name Western/Greek Name Tattva (Element) Quality Ruling Planet 1 Meṣa (मेष) "ram" Aries (Κριός "ram") Tejas (Fire) Cara (Movable) Mars 2 Vṛṣabha (वृषभ) "bull" Taurus (Ταῦρος "bull") Prithivi (Earth) Sthira (Fixed) Venus 3 Mithuna (मिथुन) "twins" Gemini (Δίδυμοι "twins") Vayu (Air) Dvisvabhava (Dual) Mercury 4 Karkaṭa (कर्कट) "crab" Cancer (Καρκίνος "crab") Jala (Water) Cara (Movable) Moon 5 Siṃha (सिंह) "lion" Leo (Λέων "lion") Tejas (Fire) Sthira (Fixed) Sun 6 Kanyā (कन्या) "girl" Virgo (Παρθένος "virgin") Prithivi (Earth) Dvisvabhava (Dual) Mercury 7 Tulā (तुला) "balance" Libra (Ζυγός "balance") Vayu (Air) Cara (Movable) Venus 8 Vṛścika (वृश्चिक) "scorpion" Scorpio […]

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(Rashi) Saur Maas (solar months) <-> Ritu (season) <-> Gregorian months <-> Zodiac

    (Rashi) Saur Maas (solar months) Ritu (season) Gregorian months Zodiac Mesha Vasant (spring) March/April Aries Vrishabha April/May Taurus Mithuna Grishma (summer) May/June Gemini Karkata June/July Cancer Simha Varsha (monsoon) July/Aug Leo Kanya Aug/Sept Virgo Tula Sharad (autumn) Sept/Oct Libra Vrishchika Oct/Nov Scorpius Dhanur Hemanta (autumn-winter) Nov/Dec. Sagittarius Makara Dec/Jan Capricornus Kumbha Shishir (Winter-Spring) Jan/Feb Aquarius Meena Feb/Mar Pisces     Source: HinduCalendar

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About Astrology

  The main book from which Jyotish (Vedic Astrology – "the science of light") comes is the "Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra". Translated that means "the great scripture of astrology by Parasara Muni". Parasara was a great sage who lived roughly around 5,000 years ago. His great son, Veda Vyasadeva, wrote down most of the Vedic scriptures for the first time, bringing them from oral to written tradition. In any case, Parasara wrote down the astrological science, which prior to 5000 years ago was an orally passed science given by Brahma to the first created beings of this universal cycle. You […]

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