Starts one or more processes on the local computer. To specify the program that runs in the process, enter an executable file or script file, or a file that can be opened by using a program on the computer. If you specify a non-executable file, Start-Process starts the program that is associated with the file, much like the Invoke-Item cmdlet.
You can use the parameters of Start-Process to specify options, such as loading a user profile, starting the process in a new window, or using alternate credentials.
Start-Process [-FilePath] <string> [[-ArgumentList] <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Verb <string>] [-Wait] [-WindowStyle {Normal | Hidden | Minimized | Maximiz
ed}] [-WorkingDirectory <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Example: To launch Outlook in Maximized Window mode automatically
Start Outlook -WindowStyle Maximized