Install behavior:
1. When Excel is in-use
- Add-in loads only when user logoff and login
- Re-launching Excel doesn’t load add-in
2. Excel loads add-in just fine if Excel was not in use during install
Excel Usage behavior:
1. Once user access add-in installed Excel. The add-in key get’s saved in HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOfficeExcelAddins. Per, this is a general case for any add-in.
2. When user access Excel on other PCs, Excel reports that respective add-in is missing on the PC. Example as below:
UnInstall behavior:
1. When Excel is in-use
- Existing Add-in sessions continues to work
- Launch of new Excel results in below error prompt for every Excel launch
2. Excel loads add-in just fine if Excel was not in use during install