Many applications that communicate to the SQL DB located on a remote SQL server will at times report an unexpected error ‘Login failed for user ‘<domainname><computername>$’’.
The error usually indicates logon failure for the reported user account for the specified DB on the respective server.
Usually there should be a SQL/Domain user id that may attempt to login, but if it’s a computer name instead then that indicates probably System account or ASP.Net accounts attempts for that login.
Possible Cause:
The most possible case I noticed is that application get configured to use “Built-in ASP.Net” account.
Possible Fix:
Make sure application is configured to use appropriate login credentials for it to succeed or
Enable all needed access rights for the current login account that it’s using.
OTOH, the respective SQL server will log below errors stating that Logon failure code.
04/14/2011 11:50:54,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user ‘TESTDOMTEST-PC3$’. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT:]
04/14/2011 11:50:54,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 11.
C:>err 18456
# for decimal 18456 / hex 0x4818 :
SQL_18456_severity_14 sql_err
# Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’.
# 1 matches found for "18456"
Sample Error Log:
Log Name: Application
Source: AppTitudeQueueProcessor
Date: 4/14/2011 11:53:05 AM
Event ID: 0
Task Category: None
Level: Warning
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
2011-04-14 11:53:05Z|7|4/14/2011 11:53:05 AM: ASMAuthoriser.Login with the details: Website URL: http://TEST-PC3:8199/AppTitude/, SQL Server/Instance: TEST-APPDBAPPTITUDE, Database: TestDB, SQLUsername: , SQLPassword: Generated an exception with the following details: Exception was: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. —> System.Exception: <WrappedException type="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException">Login failed for user ‘TESTDOMTEST-PC3$’.</WrappedException>
at AppDNA.ASM.Common.Exceptions.XMLExceptionWrapper.wrap_and_throw(Exception err)
at ASMAuthoriser.Login(String username, String password, String server, String database, String sqlusername, String sqlpassword, Boolean ForceLogOff, String BaseURL, Boolean UsingAWS)
— End of inner exception stack trace —