PowerShell Template script with detailed logging functions along with color output messages to console

Script: # # PowerShell Script #=============================================================================== # Objective: # ———- #  This is a basic template script that comes with default script sections along #  with debug options set. # # # $Header: $ #=============================================================================== # Process-Arguments #=============================================================================== param (     [string]$LOG,     [bool]$DEBUG ) #=============================================================================== # Include Modules #=============================================================================== #=============================================================================== # Global Variables Declaration #=============================================================================== $LogPath    = $env:TEMP $ScriptName = "Template-Script.log" $LogFile    = $LogPath + ” + $ScriptName #=============================================================================== # Function Prototypes Section #=============================================================================== function MyLog {     param (     [string]$msg,     [int]$flag     )     $date = get-date -format MM:dd:yyyy-HH:mm:ss     $str  = "$date "     switch […]

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PowerShell: Frame Command expressions in variables and execute the commands via Variable values

I often find the need to dynamically frame a command syntax and run the ultimate command:   Sample Script: $var = 10 $cmd = "write-host $var" Write-Host "Command is: $cmd" Write-Host "Command Result is: " invoke-expression -command "$cmd"   Script Result: PS C:Temp> .Run-commands-via-variables.ps1 Command is: write-host 10 Command Result is: 10 PS C:Temp>   Sample Script#2: param ([String]$msg) $cmd = "write-host $msg" Write-Host "Command is: $cmd" Write-Host "Command Result is: " invoke-expression -command "$cmd" Script Result#2: PS C:Temp> .Run-commands-via-variables.ps1 Message Command is: write-host Message Command Result is: Message PS C:Temp>

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