The following process describes how the desktop delivery components interact to deliver desktops to users:
Stage#1: Getting list of user accessible desktop items display in WI
- The user device submits credentials to a Web Interface site.
- Web Interface passes the user credentials to the controller.
- The controller verifies user authorization by performing a Microsoft Active Directory query with the end user’s credentials.
- The controller queries the site database for the end user’s assigned desktop groups.
- Using the desktop group it obtained from the database, the controller queries the hypervisor about the status of desktops within that group.
- The controller identifies to Web Interface the desktop it assigned for this particular session.
- Web Interface sends an ICA file to the online plug-in, which points to the virtual desktop identified by the controller in Step 6.
Stage#2: Launching Desktop session from WI
- The online plug-in establishes an ICA connection to the specific virtual desktop that was allocated by the controller for this session.
- The Virtual Desktop Agent verifies the license file with the controller.
- The controller queries the Citrix license server to verify that the end user has a valid ticket.
- The controller passes session policies to the Virtual Desktop Agent, which then applies those policies to the virtual desktop.
- The online plug-in displays the virtual desktop to the end user.