Connect to your VCenter/VMHost:
PowerCLI C:> Connect-VIServer VMHOST01
Specify Credential
Please specify server credential
User: root
Password for user root: ************Name Port User
—- —- —-
VMHOST01 443 rootPowerCLI C:>
Know your VMHost hypervisor version running:
PowerCLI C:> vmhost | select-object version
4.1.0PowerCLI C:>
PowerCLI C:> Get-VMHost | % { (Get-View $_.ID).Config.Product }
Name : VMware ESXi
FullName : VMware ESXi 4.1.0 build-260247
Vendor : VMware, Inc.
Version : 4.1.0
Build : 260247
LocaleVersion : INTL
LocaleBuild : 000
OsType : vmnix-x86
ProductLineId : embeddedEsx
ApiType : HostAgent
ApiVersion : 4.1
InstanceUuid :
LicenseProductName : VMware ESX Server
LicenseProductVersion : 4.0
DynamicType :
DynamicProperty :PowerCLI C:>
Know the DataCenter name that your host is part of: (You’ll see the default value of “ha-datacenter” for a standalone VMhost, which is NOT part of any Datacenter or doesn’t have a vCenter server configured to manage it)
PowerCLI C:> Get-Datacenter
ha-datacenterPowerCLI C:>
View List of VMs running on your HOST: (to keep the output tidy I am consolidating the result objects into their respective count)
PowerCLI C:> Get-VM -Server VMHOST01 | Measure-Object | Select-Object count | ft -auto
33PowerCLI C:> @(Get-VM -Server VMHOST01).count
PowerCLI C:>
Find the VM by name and know it’s current Power status that you want to do further manage:
PowerCLI C:> Get-VM -Name "*test*machine*"
Name PowerState Num CPUs MemoryGB
—- ———- ——– ——–
Test_Machine01 PoweredOff 1 4.000PowerCLI C:>
Find the VM by name along with their IP-addresses:
PowerCLI C:> get-vm | % {$, $_.guest.IPAddress[0]}
VMware vCenter Server Appliance
PowerCLI C:>
PowerCLI C:> get-vm | select Name,@{N="IP Address";E={@($_.guest.IPAddress[0])}}
Name IP Address
—- ———-
VMware vCenter Server Appliance
PowerCLI C:>
Start/Power ON the VM:
PowerCLI C:> Start-VM -VM "Test_Machine01"
Name PowerState Num CPUs MemoryGB
—- ———- ——– ——–
Test_Machine01 PoweredOn 1 4.000PowerCLI C:>
Stop/Power OFF the VM:
PowerCLI C:> Stop-VM -VM "Test_Machine01" -Confirm:$False
Name PowerState Num CPUs MemoryGB
—- ———- ——– ——–
Test_Machine01 PoweredOff 1 4.000PowerCLI C:>
Create a new VM based on existing VM or Clone an existing VM:
(Note to run below command you need to connect to your vCenter server and then run)
PowerCLI C:> get-vm
Name PowerState Num CPUs MemoryGB
—- ———- ——– ——–
SUSE-SRV1 PoweredOn 1 0.0
47VMware vCenter Se… PoweredOn 2 8.000
PowerCLI C:> get-datastore
Name FreeSpaceGB CapacityGB
—- ———– ———-
datastore1 751.314 926.500
PowerCLI C:> get-vmhost
Name ConnectionState PowerState NumCpu CpuUsageMhz CpuTotalMhz MemoryUsageGB MemoryTotalGB Version
—- ————— ———- —— ———– ———– ————- ————- ——- Connected PoweredOn 2 137 5984 5.568 5.921 5.1.0
PowerCLI C:> New-VM -name SUSE-CLONE1 -VM SUSE-SRV1 -Datastore datastore1 -VMHost
Name PowerState Num CPUs MemoryGB
—- ———- ——– ——–
SUSE-CLONE1 PoweredOff 1 0.047
PowerCLI C:> get-vm
Name PowerState Num CPUs MemoryGB
—- ———- ——– ——–
VMware vCenter Se… PoweredOn 2 8.000
SUSE-SRV1 PoweredOn 1 0.047
SUSE-CLONE1 PoweredOff 1 0.047
PowerCLI C:>
Delete a VM along with its Disk files.
PowerCLI C:> Remove-VM SUSE-CLONE1 -DeletePermanently -Confirm:$false
PowerCLI C:>