List of Chromium Command Line Switches

List of Chromium Command Line Switches There are lots of command lines which can be used with the Chromium browser. Some change behavior of features, others are for debugging or experimenting. This page lists the available switches including their conditions and descriptions. Last automated update occurred on 2012-02-21. Condition Explanation –0 ⊗ prohibited: never inline matches ↪ –1 ⊗ The values the kOmniboxInlineHistoryQuickProvider switch may have, as in "–omnibox-inline-history-quick-provider-allowed=1" allowed: if HistoryQuickProvider thinks it appropriate, it can inline ( == current behavior as of 2/2012). ↪ –allow-cross-origin-auth-prompt ⊗ Allow third party content included on a page to prompt for a […]

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How to: Simulate Mouse and Keyboard Events in Code

Windows Forms provides several options for programmatically simulating mouse and keyboard input. This topic provides an overview of these options. Simulating Mouse Input The best way to simulate mouse events is to call the OnEventName method that raises the mouse event you want to simulate. This option is usually possible only within custom controls and forms, because the methods that raise events are protected and cannot be accessed outside the control or form. For example, the following steps illustrate how to simulate clicking the right mouse button in code. To programmatically click the right mouse button Create a MouseEventArgs whose […]

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Known Issues with Chrome Automation using Send Keys

Some characters like ‘key’ and ‘keys’ cannot be typed into input field when using Selenium with remote control SendKeys with long unicode characters cause firefox hung. Sending ARROW_DOWN to Autocomplete Input Not Working on FF4 Send keys with a large string(~25,000) truncates string onchange js event fired in WebElement.clear() and WebElement.sendKeys() javascript onChange not fired when firefox isn’t active window Java exception at client running grid node Interactions – KeyPress with Click – Unexpected error Firefox driver sending incorrect keycodes through for typing Element is found, first send keys does not send keys Java/Firefox 6.0.2 Command is not allowed as […]

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