Powershell Deleting Files and Folders

Powershell Deleting Files and Folders

Here is a quick list of very useful File and Folder Deletion operation command-lets.

Completely delete a folder along with files and sub-folders in it forcefully:

Remove-Item “C:TempFldr” -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


Completely delete a files and sub-folder under the folder but retain the folder.

Remove-Item “C:TempFldr*” -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


Delete only the files under the folder but not sub-folders and files in it.

Remove-Item “C:TempFldr*.*” -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


Delete ONLY files recursively under the folder and sub-folders while retaining the folder structure.

forfiles /p C:temp-new /s /c “cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del @file”



5 thoughts on “Powershell Deleting Files and Folders

    1. Hope below answers your query. You can straight away have this run in PS or you can even code a simple function in PS. Let me know if you are looking for any further help in this regard.

      Listing both Files and Folders:
      C:>forfiles /p C:temp-new /s


      Listing ONLY Files:
      C:>forfiles /p C:temp-new /s /m *.*


      Listing ONLY Folders
      C:>forfiles /p C:temp-new /s /c “cmd /c if @isdir==TRUE echo @file is a directory”

      “test” is a directory
      “test-1” is a directory

      Deleting ONLY Files
      C:>forfiles /p C:temp-new /s /c “cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del @file”

      Checking if ANY Files left out
      C:>forfiles /p C:temp-new /s /m *.*
      ERROR: Files of type “*.*” not found.

      Checking Folders remain in-tact
      C:>forfiles /p C:temp-new /s



  1. Can you delete all files & subfolders, excluding certain subfolders. Example: domain computer with 100’s of user profiles. Being able to delete all except default & public. Thanks!

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