WinDiff usage


    windiff [options] path1 [path2]


-D    Compare one directory only.
-F[flags] savefile    Save composite file to ‘savefile’.  The ‘flags’ may consist of one or more of I (identical), L (left), R (right), F (moved leFt), G (moved riGht), S (Similar left), A (similiAr right), X (exit after saving list).
(e.g. -FLF saves list of Left or moved-leFt lines).
-I file    Reads list of files to compare, from the specified input file.  Each line can contain one or two filenames, space delimited (with quoting, if filenames contain spaces).  Use "-" as the filename to read from stdin.  If a line contains only one filename, the file is compared to itself.
-N name    NET SEND notification to ‘name’ at end of comparison.
-O    Outline view (no automatic expansion).
-P    Perverse comparison: breaks lines on punctuation.
-S[flags] savefile    Save list of files to ‘savefile’.  The ‘flags’ may consist of one or more of S (same), L (left), R (right), D (different), X (exit after saving list).
(e.g. -SLD saves list of Left or Different files).
-T    Compare whole subtree.

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