DB creation:
Creating the application catalog…
Executing SQL Script ‘AMS_System_Schema’
Executing SQL Script ‘AMSCreateIndex’
Executing SQL Script ‘AMS_SamplePackagingTemplate’
Executing SQL Script ‘AS_System_Schema’
Executing SQL Script ‘Seed_Data’
Executing SQL Script ‘CustomReportWizard’
Creating Sample Data…
C:Program Files (x86)AdminStudio9.5QuickStartSample MsisInstallShield MSIDiff.msi
Import started at: Friday, February 19, 2010 – 21:04 …
Source package: C:Program Files (x86)AdminStudio9.5QuickStartSample MsisInstallShield MSIDiff.msi
Importing table ActionText…
Importing table AdminExecuteSequence…
Importing table Condition…
Importing table AdminUISequence…
Importing table AdvtExecuteSequence…
Importing table AdvtUISequence…
Importing table AppId…
Importing table AppSearch…
Importing table Property…
Importing table BBControl…
Importing table Billboard…
Importing table Feature…
Importing table Binary…
Importing table BindImage…
Importing table File…
Importing table CCPSearch…
Importing table CheckBox…
Importing table Class…
Importing table Component…
Importing table Icon…
Importing table ProgId…
Importing table ComboBox…
Importing table CompLocator…
Importing table Complus…
Importing table Directory…
Importing table Control…
Importing table Dialog…
Importing table ControlCondition…
Importing table ControlEvent…
Importing table CreateFolder…
Importing table CustomAction…
Importing table DrLocator…
Importing table DuplicateFile…
Importing table ModuleDependency…
Importing table Environment…
Importing table ModuleSignature…
Importing table Error…
Importing table ModuleComponents…
Importing table EventMapping…
Importing table Extension…
Importing table MIME…
Importing table FeatureComponents…
Importing table FileSFPCatalog…
Importing table SFPCatalog…
Importing table Font…
Importing table IniFile…
Importing table IniLocator…
Importing table InstallExecuteSequence…
Importing table InstallUISequence…
Importing table IsolatedComponent…
Importing table LaunchCondition…
Importing table ListBox…
Importing table ListView…
Importing table LockPermissions…
Importing table Media…
Importing table MoveFile…
Importing table MsiAssembly…
Importing table MsiAssemblyName…
Importing table MsiDigitalCertificate…
Importing table MsiDigitalSignature…
Importing table MsiFileHash…
Importing table ODBCAttribute…
Importing table ODBCDriver…
Importing table ODBCDataSource…
Importing table ODBCSourceAttribute…
Importing table ODBCTranslator…
Importing table Patch…
Importing table PatchPackage…
Importing table PublishComponent…
Importing table RadioButton…
Importing table Registry…
Importing table RegLocator…
Importing table RemoveFile…
Importing table RemoveIniFile…
Importing table RemoveRegistry…
Importing table ReserveCost…
Importing table SelfReg…
Importing table ServiceControl…
Importing table ServiceInstall…
Importing table Shortcut…
Importing table Signature…
Importing table TextStyle…
Importing table TypeLib…
Importing table UIText…
Importing table Upgrade…
Importing table Verb…
Importing table _Validation…
Successfully imported file ‘C:Program Files (x86)AdminStudio9.5QuickStartSample MsisInstallShield MSIDiff.msi’ into the ‘Application Catalog’.
C:Program Files (x86)AdminStudio9.5QuickStartSample MsisLicModInj.msi
Import started at: Friday, February 19, 2010 – 21:05 …
Source package: C:Program Files (x86)AdminStudio9.5QuickStartSample MsisLicModInj.msi
Importing table ActionText…
Importing table AdminExecuteSequence…
Importing table Condition…
Importing table AdminUISequence…
Importing table AdvtExecuteSequence…
Importing table AdvtUISequence…
Importing table AppId…
Importing table AppSearch…
Importing table Property…
Importing table BBControl…
Importing table Billboard…
Importing table Feature…
Importing table Binary…
Importing table BindImage…
Importing table File…
Importing table CCPSearch…
Importing table CheckBox…
Importing table Class…
Importing table Component…
Importing table Icon…
Importing table ProgId…
Importing table ComboBox…
Importing table CompLocator…
Importing table Complus…
Importing table Directory…
Importing table Control…
Importing table Dialog…
Importing table ControlCondition…
Importing table ControlEvent…
Importing table CreateFolder…
Importing table CustomAction…
Importing table DrLocator…
Importing table DuplicateFile…
Importing table Environment…
Importing table Error…
Importing table EventMapping…
Importing table Extension…
Importing table MIME…
Importing table FeatureComponents…
Importing table FileSFPCatalog…
Importing table SFPCatalog…
Importing table Font…
Importing table IniFile…
Importing table IniLocator…
Importing table InstallExecuteSequence…
Importing table InstallUISequence…
Importing table IsolatedComponent…
Importing table LaunchCondition…
Importing table ListBox…
Importing table ListView…
Importing table LockPermissions…
Importing table Media…
Importing table ModuleComponents…
Importing table MoveFile…
Importing table MsiAssembly…
Importing table MsiAssemblyName…
Importing table MsiDigitalCertificate…
Importing table MsiDigitalSignature…
Importing table MsiFileHash…
Importing table ODBCAttribute…
Importing table ODBCDriver…
Importing table ODBCDataSource…
Importing table ODBCSourceAttribute…
Importing table ODBCTranslator…
Importing table Patch…
Importing table PatchPackage…
Importing table PublishComponent…
Importing table RadioButton…
Importing table Registry…
Importing table RegLocator…
Importing table RemoveFile…
Importing table RemoveIniFile…
Importing table RemoveRegistry…
Importing table ReserveCost…
Importing table SelfReg…
Importing table ServiceControl…
Importing table ServiceInstall…
Importing table Shortcut…
Importing table Signature…
Importing table TextStyle…
Importing table TypeLib…
Importing table UIText…
Importing table Upgrade…
Importing table Verb…
Importing table _Validation…
Importing table ISSelfReg…
Importing table ISDFLInfo…
Successfully imported file ‘C:Program Files (x86)AdminStudio9.5QuickStartSample MsisLicModInj.msi’ into the ‘Application Catalog’.
C:Program Files (x86)AdminStudio9.5QuickStartSample MsisMathPlot.msi
Import started at: Friday, February 19, 2010 – 21:05 …
Source package: C:Program Files (x86)AdminStudio9.5QuickStartSample MsisMathPlot.msi
Importing table ActionText…
Importing table AdminExecuteSequence…
Importing table Condition…
Importing table AdminUISequence…
Importing table AdvtExecuteSequence…
Importing table AdvtUISequence…
Importing table AppId…
Importing table AppSearch…
Importing table Property…
Importing table BBControl…
Importing table Billboard…
Importing table Feature…
Importing table Binary…
Importing table BindImage…
Importing table File…
Importing table CCPSearch…
Importing table CheckBox…
Importing table Class…
Importing table Component…
Importing table Icon…
Importing table ProgId…
Importing table ComboBox…
Importing table CompLocator…
Importing table Complus…
Importing table Directory…
Importing table Control…
Importing table Dialog…
Importing table ControlCondition…
Importing table ControlEvent…
Importing table CreateFolder…
Importing table CustomAction…
Importing table DrLocator…
Importing table DuplicateFile…
Importing table Environment…
Importing table Error…
Importing table EventMapping…
Importing table Extension…
Importing table MIME…
Importing table FeatureComponents…
Importing table FileSFPCatalog…
Importing table SFPCatalog…
Importing table Font…
Importing table IniFile…
Importing table IniLocator…
Importing table InstallExecuteSequence…
Importing table InstallUISequence…
Importing table IsolatedComponent…
Importing table LaunchCondition…
Importing table ListBox…
Importing table ListView…
Importing table LockPermissions…
Importing table Media…
Importing table MoveFile…
Importing table MsiAssembly…
Importing table MsiAssemblyName…
Importing table MsiDigitalCertificate…
Importing table MsiDigitalSignature…
Importing table MsiFileHash…
Importing table ODBCAttribute…
Importing table ODBCDriver…
Importing table ODBCDataSource…
Importing table ODBCSourceAttribute…
Importing table ODBCTranslator…
Importing table Patch…
Importing table PatchPackage…
Importing table PublishComponent…
Importing table RadioButton…
Importing table Registry…
Importing table RegLocator…
Importing table RemoveFile…
Importing table RemoveIniFile…
Importing table RemoveRegistry…
Importing table ReserveCost…
Importing table SelfReg…
Importing table ServiceControl…
Importing table ServiceInstall…
Importing table Shortcut…
Importing table Signature…
Importing table TextStyle…
Importing table TypeLib…
Importing table UIText…
Importing table Upgrade…
Importing table Verb…
Importing table _Validation…
Importing table ISSelfReg…
Importing table ISDFLInfo…
Successfully imported file ‘C:Program Files (x86)AdminStudio9.5QuickStartSample MsisMathPlot.msi’ into the ‘Application Catalog’.
C:Program Files (x86)AdminStudio9.5QuickStartSample MsisSystemTestTrack.msi
Import started at: Friday, February 19, 2010 – 21:05 …
Source package: C:Program Files (x86)AdminStudio9.5QuickStartSample MsisSystemTestTrack.msi
Importing table DrLocator…
Importing table Verb…
Importing table IsolatedComponent…
Importing table MsiFileHash…
Importing table FeatureComponents…
Importing table ProgId…
Importing table IniFile…
Importing table AdvtUISequence…
Importing table CCPSearch…
Importing table CompLocator…
Importing table ActionText…
Importing table Control…
Importing table Font…
Importing table MsiDigitalSignature…
Importing table AdminUISequence…
Importing table ModuleSignature…
Importing table Environment…
Importing table ListView…
Importing table CreateFolder…
Importing table CustomAction…
Importing table ODBCTranslator…
Importing table DuplicateFile…
Importing table CheckBox…
Importing table Binary…
Importing table AppSearch…
Importing table LaunchCondition…
Importing table Billboard…
Importing table MsiDigitalCertificate…
Importing table MsiAssemblyName…
Importing table MIME…
Importing table Feature…
Importing table RadioButton…
Importing table Dialog…
Importing table Extension…
Importing table MoveFile…
Importing table ControlEvent…
Importing table ControlCondition…
Importing table Directory…
Importing table Complus…
Importing table AdvtExecuteSequence…
Importing table ComboBox…
Importing table Registry…
Importing table ModuleComponents…
Importing table Icon…
Importing table BBControl…
Importing table MsiAssembly…
Importing table IniLocator…
Importing table ODBCDriver…
Importing table Error…
Importing table AdminExecuteSequence…
Importing table EventMapping…
Importing table File…
Importing table BindImage…
Importing table AppId…
Importing table InstallExecuteSequence…
Importing table Class…
Importing table MsiPatchHeaders…
Importing table Condition…
Importing table TypeLib…
Importing table ListBox…
Importing table Property…
Importing table ODBCAttribute…
Importing table ODBCSourceAttribute…
Importing table Component…
Importing table InstallUISequence…
Importing table Media…
Importing table ODBCDataSource…
Importing table FileSFPCatalog…
Importing table Patch…
Importing table PublishComponent…
Importing table PatchPackage…
Importing table _Validation…
Importing table ModuleDependency…
Importing table LockPermissions…
Importing table RegLocator…
Importing table RemoveFile…
Importing table RemoveIniFile…
Importing table RemoveRegistry…
Importing table ReserveCost…
Importing table SelfReg…
Importing table ServiceControl…
Importing table ServiceInstall…
Importing table SFPCatalog…
Importing table Shortcut…
Importing table Signature…
Importing table TextStyle…
Importing table UIText…
Importing table Upgrade…
Importing table MsiPatchSequence…
Successfully imported file ‘C:Program Files (x86)AdminStudio9.5QuickStartSample MsisSystemTestTrack.msi’ into the ‘Application Catalog’.
Finished creating the application catalog successfully.