If you ever wanted to make your PC multi booted, and hence customize disk partitions accordingly – but still use your corporate RIS image for actual PC build, then …
Note: Make sure you take backup copies of the original files before modifying.
1. Edit …risSetupEnglishImages<image>i386templates{<Office>.sif} file
e.g: …risSetupEnglishImagesWinXP-sp3.proi386templatesXPOfficeBuildImage.sif
2. Change the following parameters in the above file
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UseWholeDisk = No
Unattended file parameters & their description can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windows2000pro/deploy/unattend/sp1ch01.mspx
3. Save your changes & restart BINL (Boot Information Negotiation Layer) service on RIS providers/servers
4. Then RIS XP build process should prompt you for partition information – here you can customize accordingly to your needs. Once the partitions are created, the rest of the build proceeds in the normal fashion.