To change the Task Scheduler log file settings:
- Use a registry editing tool to navigate to the following key:
- Insert or change a value with the following details:
Data Type: DWORD
Value Name: MaxLogSizeKB
Value: The required maximum size, in kilobytes
- Change the value with the following details:
Data Type: EXPAND_SZ
Value Name: LogPath
Value: The path to the required log file location
- Restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
List all the settings available in registry:
C:>reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftSchedulingAgent
TasksFolder REG_EXPAND_SZ %SystemRoot%Tasks
MaxLogSizeKB REG_DWORD 0x20
OldName REG_SZ 37L4247E29-32
p align=”left”>C:>