Command to display services whose name matching given string
PS C:> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match "citrix" } | ft Name, DisplayName
Name DisplayName
---- -----------
CdfSvc Citrix Diagnostic Facility COM Server
CdmService Citrix Client Network
Citrix 64-bit Virtual Memory Optimization Citrix 64-bit Virtual Memory Optimization
Citrix Encryption Service Citrix Encryption Service
Citrix EUEM Citrix End User Experiencing Monitoring
Citrix Virtual Memory Optimization Citrix Virtual Memory Optimization
CitrixHealthMon Citrix Health Monitoring and Recovery
CitrixWMIService Citrix WMI Service
CitrixXTEServer Citrix XTE Server
cpsvc Citrix Print Manager Service
CTXCPUBal Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/CPU Rebalancer
ctxcpuSched Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/Resource Mgmt
IMAAdvanceSrv Citrix Services Manager
IMAService Citrix Independent Management Architecture
MFCom Citrix MFCOM Service
RadeSvc Citrix Streaming Service
xensvc Citrix Tools for Virtual Machines Service
PS C:>
Query multiple services status at once:
PS C:> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match "windows" -OR $_.DisplayName -match "SQL" } | ft Name, Display Name, Status -auto Name DisplayName Status ---- ----------- ------ AudioSrv Windows Audio Stopped FontCache3.0.0.0 Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache Stopped idsvc Windows CardSpace Stopped MsDtsServer100 SQL Server Integration Services 10.0 Running MSIServer Windows Installer Stopped MSSQLFDLauncher SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher (MSSQLSERVER) Running MSSQLSERVER SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) Running MSSQLServerADHelper100 SQL Active Directory Helper Service Stopped MSSQLServerOLAPService SQL Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER) Running ReportServer SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) Running SharedAccess Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Running SQLBrowser SQL Server Browser Running SQLSERVERAGENT SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER) Running SQLWriter SQL Server VSS Writer Running stisvc Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) Stopped UMWdf Windows User Mode Driver Framework Stopped W32Time Windows Time Running winmgmt Windows Management Instrumentation Running Wmi Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions Running PS C:>
To query services based on their status:
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq “stopped”}
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq “running”}
Get-Service | Sort-Object status,displayname
Remotely manage services:
(gwmi -computername remotepc -class win32_service “Name=’alerter’”).stopservice()
(gwmi -computername remotepc -class win32_service “Name=’alerter’”).startservice()
Invoke-Command -ComputerName Server01 {Restart-Service Spooler} (Needs Remoting feature that comes with PSv2)
Display the services status in color:
PS C:> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match “windows” -OR $_.DisplayName -match “SQL” } | ForEach-Object { if ($_.status -eq “Running”) { write-host $ $_.DisplayName $_.Status -foreground Green} else { write-host $ $_.DisplayName $_.Status -foreground Red} }