How to add custom Menu items to INove theme on blog

Here is how I created my customized Menu items on INove theme on my blog :  GoTo Appearance > Menus section in WordPress dashboard page:   Create a new Menu, say MyMenu as shown below, and then add the menu items by providing a title and URL to open upon clicking on that Menu item title.   In below example: MyMicrosoft menu is using: Title: MyMicrosoft URL:   

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Understanding IP Numbers

What is an IP number (IP address)? Every computer (host) on the Internet is identified by an IP number Every IP number is different – if two computers had the same IP number, the network would not know which one to deliver data to! An IP number is a 32-bit binary number, that is, a string of 32 ones and zeros. For convenience of writing, we break IP numbers into four 8-bit pieces and convert them to decimal, with a period between each part: e.g. IP number: 00001010100010111100101110000011 / / 00001010 10001011 11001011 10000011 Decimal version: 10 . 139 . […]

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